Susan Dingle
About Author
May 5, 2020

Review: We Love You, But You're Going to Hell: Christians and Homosexuality: Agree, Disagree, Take a Look

by Kim O'Reilly

The premise of this well-reasoned, researched and thoughtful book is that it should be possible to reason with those who would deprive you of your right to exist, those who believe you and people like you are a threat to their way of life.

Is this not like arguing with a White Supremacist that Negroes deserve equality, or with a Nazi that Jews have the right to exist?

The reason the author attempts this feat is that she is writing to the community she grew up in. She comes from a conservative Christian family, and she loves her family, and the faith she grew up in, even as it argues against her right to exist. Her hope is that by approaching the opposition with a loving heart, and by refuting the “seven scriptures” cited as proof that homosexuality is an abomination, she will create a space for dialogue and the possibility of reconciliation.


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Susan G. Dingle